Herbal Home Education Programme

This is one of Alices most popular classes which she has been running since 2016.

  • Sitting on the forest floor, barefoot in the autumn dappled woodland light, Kids working together to process the elderberries off the stems using a fork. These wonderful anti-viral elderberries were to be added to their own winter hedgerow tonics to take home and brew.

    We added in hawthorn berries, blackberries, Japanese rosehips, fresh goldenrod and nasturtiums from the garden and some dried spices like cinnamon, star anise and licorice for extra flavour and medicine.

  • A dreamy scene from Friday’s herbal home-Ed. Full foraged baskets of wild edibles and medicine. Clipboard at the ready to find elliptical shaped leaves. Cleavers, ground Ivy, wild garlic, daisies, rosemary flowers, ladies smock, and ground elder pictures here but this was not all we harvested.

    I love teaching about plants to kids, I feel so lucky to be able to call this my work

  • Gasps of joy as the adults and children alike in the herbal home Ed groups see dandelion in full bloom.

    Dandelion holds so much of what we need, it balances us from the inside and out. The leaves take out excessive water yet replenish the lost minerals. The roots detox our liver and replenishes our bowels with pre-biotics.

    The sunny flower, the moon like seed head, and the shining stars of the dispersed seeds. Dandelions have a lot to teach us about resilience, restoration, and balance.


  • The home-ed groups run once a month between March and October (Excluding August).

    It is the same group for the whole year, working through the seasons and learning about how to safely forage wild as well as organically cultivated herbs for food and medicine.

  • The Herbal Home Ed sessions are designed for children ages 6-13yrs.

    Unfortunately younger siblings can not attend the groups as it is already a very large age gap, which brings alot of magic in this aspect alone, but from experience Alice has realised that it’s a very long day for younger children and it becomes dispersing when they have joined.

  • A parent is welcome to stay and learn alongside their child or it can be a drop and go option, but it is more common for the parent to stay and this means the family can take their knowledge home together and continue their foraging adventures together.

  • Days of the week may change each year depending on availability of those that enquire and fill out the form below, if enough people are available on a Monday or Tuesday for instance, then Alice will consider running a group on that day of the week for 2024.

    Currently 2024 days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays

  • The cost is £35 per child/£25 per sibling, per day. 50% of the annual is required to secure your place

    All of the dates over the year need to be paid for to sign up to the programme. Dates will be issued well in advance, normally by November for the following year.

Please fill out this form below to register your interest to join the herbal home-ed groups with Alice for 2025, Alice will check these forms with a view to organising next years groups from October 2024 with a start date for March 2025, so advance planning and enquiries encouraged to secure your spots.

It is also a first come first serve basis and many families continue year upon year so it is unknown how much space will open up each year.

Snapshot videos of a Herbal Home-ed day

Below are some glorious captures of our herbal home-ed days. Many many thanks for the footage and skilled eyes from the various photographers that helped compile these (Individually credited on my insta)

A snapshot of an April herbal home-ed day. We looked at some poisonous plants like waterdropwort hemlock and lords and ladies as well as ate a delicious feast with all the spring greens abundance